In ultimele zile nu m-am simtit prea sanatatea, ma refer . Totul a pornit de aici : (de la pere, nu de la flori )
Last days I wasn't feeling too well... in health, meaning. Everything started from here : (from the pears, not from the flowers )
fructe import care pot sa ascunda tot felul de minunatii uite asa , dupa citeva zile de suferinta si leacuri babesti - total nefolositoare - am ajuns inevitabil aici :
imported fruits that can hide inside all kind of stuff....this is how after some days of suffering I ended here :
Nu sunt genul care sa stea in pat de drag....asa ca intr-un moment de vitejie sperind ca ma pot controla ( :)) ) , mi-am luat inima in dinti si am pornit intr-o mica plimbare in gradina....
I don't like to stay in bed, not even by, very brave and hopefully that I can manage myself ( :)) ) I take a walk through the garden ...
totul este verde si plin de seva...aproape simti cum natura freamata, cu bucurie, sub razele soarelui....
everything is green and beautiful can almost feel the nature thrilling under the sun....
Incet m-am apropiat de mica mea gradina....citeva straturi inaltate in care, an dupa an, gasesc bucurie si tristete deopotriva. Bucurie pentru rezultatele gustoase, aromate si tristete pentru esecurile inevitabile ale oricarui gradinar.
Slowly I aproached my little garden....a few raised garden beds where, year after year I found both happiness and sadness . Happiness for those tasty flavoured results and sadness for those inevitable failures that each gardener is faced by.
Ei bine, se pare ca natura merge frumusel inainte chiar si fara bagheta mea magica ;)....
Well, it seems that nature is pretty going on even without my magic wand ;)...
M-am simtit brusc obosita si am simtit acut lipsa comfortabila a ....patului ...haha ! inapoi spre casa...
I suddenly feel tired and need desperately the comfort of my...bed. haha!....Going back...
O ultima privire inapoi, : liniste, cite un ciripit tirziu de pasare, M. care tunde iarba in continuare, umbrele care devin din ce in ce mai lungi , mai reci ....
A last look : silence, a single and late bird chirp, M. who is still mowing the lawn, the trees shadows becoming longer and cooler....
Si totusi : ADOR PERELE . Moi, dulci, zemoase, aurii....Trebuie sa-mi amintesc ca pe viitor sa decojesc orice fruct import ce il maninc. Obligatoriu ! prea multe chimicale...
And still : I LOVE PEARS. Soft, sweet, juicy golden pears....I must remember for the future to skin off all the imported fruits that I eat. It's a must ! too many chemicals....
Cum este primavara voastra ?
How's your spring ?