Inainte de toate va arat un model super-usor si rapid de fulg de nea frivolite, model cumparat de la Romana.
First of all an easy-peasy super fast tatted snowflake...bought from Romana.
si modelul care mie imi place enorm, lucrat din fir vopsit de mine. Un model de cercei de lux.
the model that I'm in love with , in a hand-dyed thread by myself . A pair of de luxe earrings.
si un mic cadou secret pentru o clienta fidela . La fel cercelusii sunt 3D...
and a small secret gift for a devoted client. Also in 3D...
First of all an easy-peasy super fast tatted snowflake...bought from Romana.
am simtit dorinta de a modifica putin modelul ( alungind piciorusele de la cercurile mici ) si am obtinut astfel un fulg de nea mai "aerat " , mai delicat....
I feel the desire to modify just a little bit ( elongating the legs for the small circles ) achieving a more aired look of the snowflake. Like this : dar imi plac atit de mult ambele modele incit , in viitor, veti vedea o multime din acestia pe aici ;). Ba chiar si colorati ;)...
but I love both models so you'll see here a lot of these in the future :). Colored, too. ;)
Intre timp am terminat o comanda de doua seturi pentru fiicele unei prietene, seturi identice cu cele anterioare doar ca de data aceasta unul din ele este albastru. Si a iesit minunat pe albastru. Imi place !
Meanwhile I did finish two sets for a friend, the same as the previous ones sets, but this time one of them is worked in blue thread . And it result beautifully. I love it .
si cel visiniu
and the burgundy one
si citeva alte mici bijuterii. O pereche de cercei cu un pandantiv asortat
and some other jewelries . A pair of earrings and an assorted pendant
niste cercelusi pentru lobul urechii, floricele micute 3D
some earlobe small 3D flowers
si modelul care mie imi place enorm, lucrat din fir vopsit de mine. Un model de cercei de lux.
the model that I'm in love with , in a hand-dyed thread by myself . A pair of de luxe earrings.
si un mic cadou secret pentru o clienta fidela . La fel cercelusii sunt 3D...
and a small secret gift for a devoted client. Also in 3D...
Voi ce lucrati acum ?
what are you working on now ?