Dupa cum va spuneam in postul anterior , am devenit foarte pasionata de tatting. Am renuntat complet la metoda pe ac si am trecut la navete....primele mele navete au cap de croseta in virf .
As I previously told you, I become addicted to tatting.
I completely renounced to needle-tatting method and pass on to shuttles. My first ones have a crochet hook in one end, like this...
si am inceput sa fac modele putin mai complicate ( pentru mine, ca incepator , inca multe sunt complicate LOL)
and started to tat a little more complicated patterns
( for me, as a beginner, there are still a lot too complicated LOL )
after some days I bought these two shuttles, Clover brand, of which I'm totally IN LOVE with. ( must buy some more ;) )
Evident ca si modelele realizate s-au transformat si au devenit :
Obviously the patterns did change a bit and become :
sau primii mei cercei lungi ( zdranganele )
or my first dangling earings .
Am nevoie de practica muuulta....gind ce nu poate decit sa imi astearna un zimbet multumit pe fata .
I need a lot of practice...this thought is setting a satisfied smile on my face.
Intre timp , am intrat in posesia unui fir special , tip panglica,
Meanwhile I received this special , ribbon, thread :
cu care se pot tricota/croseta niste esarfe minunate.
of which one can knit or crochet wonderful scarves .
acum am in lucru acelasi fir pe bordo ...va fi o minunatie de esarfa...
now I'm working the same thread in a burgundy color. It will be a beauty !
firul este marca italiana, de o moliciune incredibila, si ca si compozitie este
100% microfibra acrilica hypoalergenica . SUPERB !!
it's an italian thread, extremely soft and as composition it is
100% HYPOALLERGENIC microfiber acrylic. Just WONDERFUL !
Imi face placere sa cos, tricotez, sa crosetez dar orice as face, seara nu rezist sa nu fac citeva noduri .LOL.
Tatting-ul este atit de fin, de delicat, incit m-a cucerit pentru totdeauna.
Uite ce a aterizat in palma mea aseara ;)
I love to sew, knit or to crochet, but anything I'm doing I can't resist in the evening making some knots. LOL.
Tatting it is so delicate, I can confess that it charmed me forever.
Look what landed in my hand last night ;)
cred ca va deveni o mica brosa, in amintirea verii....
I think it will became a brooch...remembering the summer....