In ultimele zile a plouat a fost extrem de rece....
Nu excelez in bucatarie la capitolul deserturi...retetele mele de "baza" le pot numara pe degetele de la ambele miini ....De ceva vreme am descoperit-o pe
Ioana si retetele ei grozave iar ieri am incercat ceva nou. Simplu si foaaaarte bun .
Last days were chilly and rainy....better said : extremely cold for July....
I'm not a specialist in kitchen for deserts...I can count on both hands fingers my favorite recipes tried along time ....Some while ago I found Ioana and her great yesterday I tried something new. Simple and verrry good. Fast mini donuts. Thank you, Ioana !
le-am asortat gemul
Cherry Compote ...pentru mine citeva tavalite prin zahar pudra :D, pentru jumatatea mea simple...
I assorted beside the Cheery Compote ....for me I rolled some donuts in powder sugar, for my half left simple....
au iesit fabuloase....umflate si pufoase....iar inmuiate in gem sunt un vis linga cafea ( pentru el ) sau ceai ( pentru mine )....
they came out fabulous....puffy and soft....and "soaked" in jam those are a pure dream near coffee ( for him) or tea( for me ) .....
Alt capitol : bluza mea inceputa saptamina trecuta a ajuns la aceasta faza . Sunt la ultimul scul si e evident ca nu imi va ajunge....imi plac bluzele lungi plus ca mai am de facut gulerul si accesoriile ...hmmm....
Another chapter : my raglan knitted blouse that I started last week looks like this. I'm at the last hank and obviously it will not be enough just because I love longer blouses and also I have to knitt the collar and the accesories...hmmm....
Si pentru ca ploaia siroia necontenit si afara era frigggg....s-au nascut doua esarfe din materiale de tricot fine...bune si vara, bune si in restul anului.....( ambele sunt deja in
magazin )
And because was raining buckets and so cold....two Infinity scarfs were born, too.....made in tricot fabric, soft and fine....good for summer and for the rest of the year, too.
Se anunta o schimbare a vremii in bine doar peste doua zile....pina atunci tot rece si ploaie....poate mai incerc vreo reteta, poate mai am vreo idee.....ramineti pe aproape.
A weather improvement is announced in two days.....until then still rain and cold....maybe I'll try some new recipe, maybe a new ideea will be born...keep in touch.