Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Happy New Year !

Din pacea si caldura casei mele, la lumina lumanarilor  va doresc tuturor
un An Nou  luminos si plin de impliniri !

From the peace of my house, in the candle light I wish for you all 
 A Happy New Year , full of joy and happiness .

Fie ca Noul An sa va implineasca fiecare vis , mic sau mare , sa va aduca in fiece clipa  zimbetul pe buze si soare in priviri. 
An Nou fericit !

May that New Year will fulfill each of your dreams, small or big, may that it will bring smile on your face and sunshine in your eyes .
Happy New year ! 

Sunday, December 04, 2011

I love Crafty

Noua  platforma pentru magazinele handmade. Profesionala. In orice moment prezenta, pentru creatorul din tine, cu ajutor sau suport tehnic.Si nu numai !  Sa nu-mi spuneti ca nu o stiti. Hai, cititi, cercetati, convingeti-va!! Veniti si voi ! Crafty. 
Eu am ales deja ;).
Pentru clientii mei fideli , iata noul link catre  magazinul meu :

Are rost sa va mai spun ?...


Thursday, November 24, 2011

this and that

Inainte de toate va arat un model super-usor si rapid de fulg de nea frivolite, model cumparat de la Romana.
First of all an easy-peasy super fast tatted snowflake...bought from Romana. 

am simtit dorinta de a modifica putin modelul ( alungind piciorusele de la cercurile mici  ) si am obtinut astfel un fulg de nea mai "aerat " , mai delicat....
 I feel the desire to modify just a little bit ( elongating the legs for the small circles ) achieving a more aired look of the snowflake. Like this : 

dar imi plac atit de mult ambele modele incit , in viitor, veti vedea o multime din acestia pe aici ;). Ba chiar si colorati ;)...
but I love both models so you'll see here a lot of these in the future :). Colored, too. ;)

Intre timp am terminat o comanda de doua seturi pentru fiicele unei prietene, seturi identice cu cele anterioare doar ca de data aceasta unul din ele este albastru. Si a iesit minunat pe albastru. Imi place !
Meanwhile I did finish two sets for a friend, the same as the previous ones sets, but this time one of them is worked in blue thread . And it result beautifully. I love it .

si cel visiniu 
and the burgundy one 

si citeva alte mici bijuterii. O pereche de cercei cu un pandantiv asortat 
and some other jewelries . A pair of earrings and an assorted pendant 

niste cercelusi pentru lobul urechii, floricele micute 3D
some earlobe small 3D flowers 

si modelul care mie imi place enorm, lucrat din fir vopsit de mine. Un model de cercei de lux.
 the model that I'm in love with , in a hand-dyed thread by myself . A pair of de luxe earrings. 

 si un mic cadou secret pentru o clienta fidela . La fel cercelusii sunt 3D...
  and a small secret gift for a devoted client. Also in 3D...

Voi ce lucrati acum ? 
what are you working on now ? 

Monday, November 14, 2011

tatted presents

Acum pot desconspira cadourile care le-am facut pentru fiicele noastre...
Now I can deconspire the presents that I've made for our daughters....

Va amintiti asta ?
Do you remember this ? 

S-a transformat intr-un set , negru, cu margele de cristal negru. Pentru Arabella . ( din pacate nu am poza cu ea, poate miine )
It become a black set embellished with black crystal beads. It goes for Arabella . ( sorry no picture showing off, perhaps tomorrow ) 

Ambele seturi sunt identice, cerceii sunt lucrati dupa pattern-ul "Long Elegant Earrings" de Elizabeth C. Zipay, iar medalionul este un model free Aga Sunset. 
Both sets are identical , the earrings are "Long Elegant Earrings pattern" by Elizabeth C. Zipay, the pendant is a free model of Aga Sunset .

Si un set in culoarea burgund cu perle de sticla .
And a burgundy set embellished with burgundy glass pearls. 

Acesta este pentru cea mai mica, Alberta. O poza super-proaspata de la cina festiva de aseara. ;)
It goes for the smallest , Alberta . A super fresh picture from last night birthday dinner ;)

Pare incintata , nu-i asa ?
She seems happy, isn't it ? 

Si pentru mine , am facut o super-simpla si foarte din poliester bratara . se uda, nu se murdareste....pot lucra in gradina, pot spala vase, pot face dus sau inota cu ea....
And for me I worked a super-duper simple and very poliester bracelet doesn't go wet, it doesn't go dirty....I can garden, wash dishes, shower, swim ...whatever. 

Tattingul cu poliester este un cosmar....aceasta este prima si ultima piesa lucrata in poliester. Dar, hei, e a mea si sunt mindra de ea. Sau cu ea ;).
Tatting with poliester it's a nightmare....this will be the first and the last . But hey, it's mine :D and I'm proud of it. Or with it. ;)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

90 grams

Cind prietena mea mi-a spus ca imi va trimite mai repede cadoul de ziua mea, am intrebat-o rizind : "-ce e ? "
"- 90 grame " mi-a raspuns....
De cind am cunoscut-o pe Csilla m-a rasfatat an dupa an cu surprize ziua mea, de Craciun , de Paste...asa un suflet mare. Ei bine, dati-mi voie sa va prezint cele 90 grame :D...

When my friend told me that she will send sooner my birthday present I asked her laughing "- what is it ? "
- " 90 grams ", she answered....
I know that since I met her for the first time she spoiled me year after year....birthdays, Christmases, Easters....such a big heart . 
Well, let me introduce you the 90 grams thing  :D...

Ei bine, cred ca inca nu va dati seama despre ce e vorba  ...exceptind ciocolata :))
Well, I think that you don't clearly understand what is it about  - except  the chocolate  :))

Nu-i asa ca e frumoasa ??
lucrata din fir Barka trend  -Limonade cu compozitie  100% bambus o moliciune incredibila si atit de usoara...da, 90 grame, nu v-am spus ? :D
Multumesc , Csilla .
Isn't it a beauty ? 
it is worked in Barka trend - Limonade thread , 100% bamboo ....incredible soft and lighweight. 90 grams, remember ? :D
Thank you , Csilla.

Ei bine, m-am rasfatat putin si singura :D....pentru ca firele mele de brodat aveau un suport "inventat" de mine , pe niste cartoane insirate pe un umeras metalic
Well, I did spoil a little too, by myself....just because all my embroidery threads were hanging in some "invented by me " cardboards stacked on a wire hanger 

Am cumparat o cutie pentru depozitarea lor , marca Prym , precum si o forfecuta metalica Storch ....aveam mare nevoie de ea :D. 
Am o sumedenie de foarfeci, mari si mici, dar mi-am dorit-o nespus pe ACEASTA pentru tatting. ;).

I buyed an embroidery thread box - Prym - and a Storch scissor.....I just needed it :D....
I do have a LOT of scissors but I badly wanted THIS one. For tatting ;).

Acum stau in fata focului si imi aranjez bucuroasa atele in doar o mica problema : nu incap toate intr-o singura cutie :)) 

Now I'm sitting in front of the fire and I'm arranging the threads in my new box. I have just a little problem : they don't fit all in just one :)) 

Si deasemenea astept sa se usuce piesa aceasta....cine a spus ca tatting-ul este usor ?? aici puteti numara aproximativ 280 de ace infipte ....
And I'm also waiting for this piece to dry ....who said that tatting is easy ? you can count here around 280 needles....

Pe data viitoare !
See ya' !

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chocolate Waves

In ultimul timp nu am fost cuminte, m-am dat serios la ciocolata. Sub toate formele : tableta, bomboane, crema....atit de serios incit am transpuns mica mea dragoste subita in :
"Valuri de ciocolata" ....
un alt sal din voal, cu aceleasi 7 benzi plisate pe toata lungimea lui de 2,0m . 
Maro-...ciocolata ;)
il gasiti in magazin

Lately I'm not at all a good girl , I got seriously into chocolate. Any shape : tablet, candy, cream seriously that I transposed my little suddenly love into : 
"Chocolate waves "...
another veil shawl, with the same 7 pleated strips along the lenght . 
Chocolate -...brown. Simple as that . :D

Luna trecuta am participat la un concurs pe forumul Hobby-handmade  cu aceste doua quilturi miniatura . 
Last month I participate in another contest in the Hobby -handmade forum, with these two miniatures quilts.

si am cistigat locul 3 primind aceste minunate piese lucrate de Gaby Erika . Ciocolata a mai ajuns in poza :D
and I won the third place receiving these wonderful pieces worked by GabyErika . The chocolate has not come in the picture :D

Un cadou surpriza din partea sotului meu este aceasta virtelnita, cu o virsta impresionanta de peste 100 ani, virtelnita pe care a lucrat strabunica lui . Mi-a devenit automat foarte draga ....trebuie sa ii fac o baie sanatoasa si sa o pun la lucru....poarta in ea urma anilor multi si a micilor reparatii ...poate o sa-mi spuna o poveste , incet, invirtindu-se....
An unexpected gift form my husband is this thread reel , with an resonable age over 100 years. A reel that belonged to his great-grandmother. Instantly it become very dear to me. I must give it a big scrub and then put it to carries the mark of so many years and of small repairs...maybe it will tell me a story, slowly, spinning....

Acum , de cind cu frigul si cu raceala mea, am nevoie de mincare "de comfort" : o jumatate de pui la cuptor acompaniat de cartofi copti cu mujdei de un pahar de vin alb ;) Chiar comfortabil, nu ? ;)
Now since this cold weather and my cold condition, I need some "comfort" food  : a half of a green farm-chicken grilled on the oven and some baked potatoes with garlic sauce. And a white wine glass ;). Quite comfortable, ha ? ;)

si evident nevoia de un desert la fel de "comfort " ( putina practica inainte de Craciun nu strica niciodata, nu ? ) unde mai pui ca e primul meu cozonac copt in soba cu lemne -de aceea e mai ars :))
and obviously the need of a same "comfort" desert ( a little practice before Christmas doesn't hurt anyone,no ? ) and the important fact is that I bake this roll-cake for the first time in my wood stove...that's why is a little burnt :))

dar gusta nuci si stafide....
but the taste is wonderful ....with walnuts and raisins...

Si cind e frig si nasu-ti curge :D, ce poti sa faci decit sa brodezi mai departe, adincita in fotoliul cald ...
blocul 3 e gata , blocul 4 atacat.
And when it's cold and have a running nose :D, what can one do ? embroider further the SAL project, hidden in the warm armchair...
block 3 ready, block 4 on the go .

La voi cum e, cald ? si ce hobby va place sa faceti cind e frig ? dati-mi niste idei noi....
How's your weather , warm ? and what craft do you mostly like to do when you're chilly ? give me some new ideas...

Sunday, October 09, 2011

some of this and some that

Afara e rece si innorat....chiar foarte rece....vreme tocmai buna pentru o ciorba fierbinte de cartofi cu smintina si salata de ceapa cu otet. Foarte gustoasa...
Outside is cloudy and cold....really cold. Just a fine weather for a hot potatoes soup with cream and sour onion salad. Yummy....

Si ceva dulce trebuie, nu ? cornulete umplute cu magiun si simburi de nuca ...ambele productie proprie ;)
Something sweet was also needed, no ? rolls filled with plum jam and nuts ...both from our garden ;)

 coapte, desigur, in soba cu lemne....soba mea fermecata....
the rolls were baked in the wood magic wood stove....

 netavalite prin zahar pentru ca si asa sunt destul de dulci....simple si gustoase ca orice prajitura de casa.
They are simple, un-rolled in powder sugar because they are sweet enough.Simple and tasty as any homemade cookies . 

Ce se poate face cel mai bine in fata focului ? doilea bloc e gata, al treilea acum incepe. Sper ca Mos Craciun sa ma tina minte de fata buna ;)
What can one do better in front of roaring fire ? embroidery. Second block is ready and the third begins. Hopefully Santa will remember me as a good girl ;).

Si daca nu brodez atunci cu siguranta fac tatting. 
O pereche de cercei micuti si patratosi. Model de Elizabeth C. Zipay
And if I'm not embroidering then for sure I'm tatting. 
A pair of small, square and beautiful earings. Model of Elizabeth C. Zipay  

si totul miroase superb in casa, datorita Iasomiei de Madagascar care acum infloreste nebuneste....
and everything in my home smells wonderful because of Jasmine of Madagascar that now flourish like crazy...

Pentru mine toamna este frumoasa oricum, insorita sau nu ...e anotimpul meu ;)
For me autumn is nice, sunny or's my season ;). 


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