Saturday, October 30, 2010

my creative corner

Afara e rece...innorat.....vint si ploaie.... trist ! 

Outside is cold....cloudy....windy and rain.....sad !

Inauntru, in "coltul" meu  - de fapt nu e un colt ci e o intreaga camera, doar pentru mine, pentru visele mele si pentru lucrurile care poarta insemnul "made by tiktakro"....ei bine, aici inauntru este cald si insorit ( insorit din cauza becurilor economice "lumina naturala" - pe care le folosesc la maxim, adica ard toata ziua doar pentru placerea de a avea o camera insorita ) ...
o privire in pragul usii : 

Inside my "corner"- well, actually is a whole room just for me , for my dreams and my "made by tiktakro" things
- well here is warm and sunny ( sunny due to the warm daylight economic bulbs which means that I can keep them on all day long just for having a sunny room  ;) ...
a view from the entrance in my so-named "studio " :

o alta privire din coltul din dreapta, asupra fotoliului meu preferat, moale , de culoarea ciocolatei, loc de unde scriu rindurile acestea acum sau tricotez mai tirziu ceva din cosuletul  de alaturi : 

another view from the right corner , over my favourite soft -chocolate brown armchair from where I wrote these lines now :) or I knit later something from the beside basket : 

 Am spus la inceput ca este cald, nu-i asa ? aproape 15 ani am visat la o soba pe lemne...pentru a coace piinea facuta in casa sau alte pentru a simti acea caldura speciala insotita de stralucirea focului in apropierea mea...Ei bine, acum ma bucur din plin de aceste vise devenite realitate.
Stiu ca soba este foarte contrastanta ca si culoare cu restul camerei, dar gama de culori din care puteam alege a fost foarte am ales acest albastru- singurul din lista - cu gindul tot la viitor : o casuta mica alba cu putin albastru :d...albastru deschis, e drept, dar ce-are a face putin contrast, nu ? :d V-am spus ca aici pot foarte bine si sa visez, nu-i asa ? :)

 I said it's warm, didn't I ? :d ....for over 15 years I dreamed of having a wood-stove....for baking bread and other goodies and also for that special feeling of warm fire blaze near me....well, now I fully enjoy all those dreams. I know that the stove is much too contrasting in colour with the rest of the room, but the range of colours for this product was very limited....and I choose the only existing blue, thinking of future....a small white home with a little pale blue around ....Didn't I tell you that here I can dream on ? :)

 Am dorit sa impart cu voi o mica parte din lumea mea din interior, o parte din calmul si linistea care ma invaluie , aici in acest loc...Ascult focul, simt caldura, ma bucur si zimbesc ! acum nici doua minute am implinit 41 de ani ....Viata e minunata, nu-i asa ?! :)

 I wanted to share with you a part of my inside world, a part of my calm and serenity that here, in my studio, overwhelm me... I listen the fire, feel the warm , enjoy and smile !less then two minutes ago I turned 41 years... :) Life is wonderful, isn't it ?! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coffee or chocolate ? your choice...

Povestea unui quilt...
Proiectul impus consta in realizarea unei lucrari de minim 60cm x 80 cm care sa cuprinda din toate materialele plus adausurile personale. Orice tehnica. 
The story of a quilt...
The project asked for making a 60cm by 80 cm quilt that must reflect each piece of batik plus our personal addings. Any technique.

ei bine, aceasta este lucrarea mea. Iar acum urmeaza povestea crearii ei...
well , this is my work. And now is following the story of making it....

eram intirziata, foarte intirziata ..."schema" imaginata de mine cerea mult prea mult timp de executie, si aveam nevoie de o idee salvatoare. Care a venit precum o raza de soare intr-o toamna friguroasa : 

Mihaela Munteanu deseneaza in Corel niste lucrari minunate...ii vizitez des blogul pentru ca de mult timp cochetez cu ideea transpunerii lucrarilor ei in textil . Uite ca a venit momentul potrivit. Mi-am amintit ca , mai anul trecut am vazut o lucrare de-a ei de un simplism fermecator cu o canita de cafea. Aceasta : 

I was late, extremely late...the idea that I had in my mind request a lot of time of execution and I was in such a great need of a saving ideea . Ideea that came like a sunshine in a cold autumn....
Mihaela Munteanu draws in Corel beautifully...I visit often her blog because I play around with the idea of translating her work on fabric....The perfect moment just came ! 
I remember that I saw a year or so ago a design of a charming simplicity coffee cup. This one : 

Asa ca , dupa ce am primit acceptul ei pentru a ma folosi de design-ul ce ii poarta semnatura, m-am asezat la lucru . Am ales fundalul, albastru deschis...stiu ca unora le pare ciudat acest albastru deschis dar simteam nevoia de putin " zen" :d Apoi am schitat doar cu un fir de lina conturul canitei , farfurioarelor si aburului pentru a putea calcula corect lungimea de bias ce urma sa o fac.

As soon as I received her approval for using her work, I started to work. The background that I choose is a pale blue...I know that for some of you this blue seems quite intriguing but I feel the need for some "zen" :d
The next step was sketching with a thread of wool the contour of cup, plates and the steam. Just for a right calculation of bias tape that I had to make.

apoi am asezat pentru vizualizare bucatile de batik  pe marginea stinga si de la baza
then I set in for visioning all the pieces of batik that remain...on the left side and down. 

Ei bine, de-acum incepe munca cu adevarat : 
banda bias de doua dimensiuni ( 1/2 inch si 1/4 inch) , lungimea de 2,5 metri fiind obtinuta prin innadirea mai multor bucatele mici.
Well, the hard work begin from now on : 
I had to make two widths of bias tape ( 1/2" and 1/4" ) , totally lenght of 2,5 meters obtained by sewing toghether small pieces


cusatura culcata pe o parte pentru a intra cu usurinta in unealta de facut bias :
the sew is ironed flat on one side just to slip easily in the bias-maker 


am aplicat pe lungime banda termocolanta Steam-a-Seam de 1/2 inch si de 1/4 inch
I set along the Steam-a-Seam bias tape 1/2" and 1/4"

si le-am asezat pe fundal. Steam-a-Seam este repozitionabil, ceea ce m-a ajutat a fost usor deloc sa obtin forma canitei....dar cind se transpune o lucrare atunci se respecta inclusiv scara nu numai pozitia. Greu dar...a mers ! :) dupa fixarea definitiva asa arata top-ul  :

Then I set the bias tapes temporary on the background. I love this feature of Steam-a-Seam, it really helps me a wasn't easy at all to get the same shape of the cup. When translate a work in a different medium one should respect also the scale of the original. Hard work, but finally was ok! :) This is the top : 

Apoi a urmat partea de sandwich si de quilting....nervi , multi nervi deoarece "fratzioara" mea da semne de nervozitate tensionata :)) la quilting-ul in linie dreapta ....apoi am ales din blogul lui Leah  modelul brain coral   ca umplutura de fundal,  pe linga ecoul canitei si aburului . 
Then I step into sandwiching and quilting....a lot of nerves because my she- "brother" sewing machine give signs of tense nervousness :)) at straight line quilting....Then I choose form Leah blog the model brain coral as a filler for the background around the central piece echo.
ei bine, spuneam nervi ?? nuuuu...aproape infarct !! uite ce se intimpla cind oboseala isi spune cuvintul : nu intelegeam de ce nu mai aluneca quiltul pe blatul mai era si ata EXTREM de tensionata! am sfisiat SUPREME-SLIDER-ul si l-am si quiltuit totodata !!! sa nu va spun cit de greu se descoase free-motion-ul de pe o piesa teflonata!!! asta incercat sa il repar cu o banda scotch dar nu tine...inca nu mi-a trecut supararea ca am distrus o piesa atit de importanta si de folositoare.....

Did I said "nerves" ?? nooo...almost an infarct !! look what happens when fatigue is too big ! I just didn't understood why my quilt doesn't slide on my machine as easily as at the begining ...and the thread was extreme tensioned! I TORE the SUPREME-SLIDER and also I did quilt it !!! don't make me tell you how hard is to un-sew a free-motion quilted line from a teflon piece....I try , at the end, to repair it with some scotch tape but it didn't work...I am still very upset for this miserable happening because I distroyed an important and so useful tool for me....

de suparare m-am apucat sa curat masina asa ceva iese din ea tot la 2 saptamini...
upset already I started to clean my machine...something like this gets out every two weeks...
Inapoi la quilt...a mai ramas de cusut binding-ul si mineca de agatare....
back to quilting....finally the binding and then the hanging-sleeve...

 si asta e  fata  :
this is the front : 
 si spatele :
and the back of it :
 si daca vreti pe perete , dar nu iese bine pe fundal  alb : 
and if you want here you have it on the wall ....but it's not a proper picture due to the whiteness of the wall

I hope you like it .
Happy sewing or crafting or anything else that pleases you, too !


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