Saturday, April 17, 2010

spring time

Este deja primavara...sau cel putin a fost pina acum citeva zile...inainte sa inceapa ploaia....
Un inceput de primavara cu flori si albinutze grabite si harnice...

Is it already spring. Or at least it was until rain started a few days ago....
The spring starts with flowers and hurried busy bees..

O primavara inselatoare, cu soare prea scos prea repede sezlongurile la "aer" :) din vesnica graba primavaratica....

A misleading spring with way out too powerful sun...I take out the sunbeds too early :) in a spring-ish hurry....


Anul acesta am vazut atit de multe narcise , si totusi parca nu m-am saturat. 
Cele albe , pline, sunt puternic parfumate....pacat ca rezista atit de putin...

This year I saw so many daffodils on people blogs and even I'm not quite saturated of them.
The full-bloom white ones are strongly perfumed...pity they last so little. 


Apoi au inceput ploile reci casa, in atelier, e cald, focul toarce molcom in soba...prilej bun de joaca cu materialele...
Un set scurt ( 4 piese) de servete pentru masa asortat pentru o fata cu ochii verzi ;)

Then the cold rains started. Inside the house, in my studio the fire is burning slowly...a perfect time for playing with fabric....
An assorted short set ( 4 pieces) of place-mats for a green-eyed girl ;)


    si un table-runner in culori domoale, cu acea cusatura ondulata pe care Kati o foloseste cu atita maiestrie. Am ajuns la concluzia ca imi place si mie. Curata si rapida. Un rezultat frumos. Data viitoare am sa incerc o spatiere mai mica. 

And a table-runner for a far-away friend. I use the wavy stitch that Kati masterly use it in all her latest works. I do like it , too.  Neat and quickly. Nice result. Next time I'll try a closer spacing.



Poate ca miine se opreste ploaia.

Perhaps tomorrow the rain will stop.


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