Saturday, November 28, 2009

blue for today

Ei bine, pentru azi ...albastru. O culoare neconventionala pentru sarbatoarea Craciunului , dar am invatat ca oamenii sunt diferiti si gusturile lor deasemenea...

Well, for today :). A totally unconventionall colour for Christmas, but I learned that people are different and also their taste. 

si cu putina munca extra, am obtinut acestea
and with a little extra work I get these 


Este o combinatie atit de fina si frumoasa, albastru cu argintiu ....problema este ca rezerva mea de materiale albastre e gata. Ga-ta. :(
Iubesc albastrul, albastru mea are accente albastre, viitorul meu calcator va fi albastru ;), urmatoarea soba de gatit va fi in acelasi albastru, chiar si decoratiile prin casa , pe ici si colo apar in albastru, dar nu mai am materiale albastre.Stop. Plingerile nu-si au rostul aici. Pentru anul viitor voi sti ce sa cumpar.
...totusi mai am citeva patratzele ramase de la saculetii de mai sus, asa ca in curind vin cu o combinatie...noua si ...interesanta . ;) In curind ...

This combination is so pretty and fine : blue and silver....the only problem is that my blue stash is over.Really over. 
I love blue, deep house is with blue, my next iron will be blue, my future cooking stove will be also blue, I have here and there inside my house the same blue, but I don't have any blue fabric. Stop. Complaints are not accepted. For the next year I'll know what to shop. I've got some left squares form the above sacks, so this put my mind to work and I decided : soon, very soon I'll return here with a new and interesting combination. ;) Soon...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Santa's helper...a kind of ;)

Ei bine, inca lucrez.....pentru Mos Craciun. :) ...asta ma face oarecum "ajutorul" lui Mos Craciun, nu-i asa ?  :)
hmm...este o slujba buna in interior, cafea free toata ziua, fredonind toata ziua...ce altceva mi-as putea dori acum, cind afara ploua, e frig si trist ?
pina una-alta, toate sunt bune si se concretizeaza cam asa :
un set de servete decorative - dupa cum vedeti este musai si o luminare linga ele ;) - puteti pune una rosie daca va place :)
dimensiuni 27cm x 27 cm , pinza alba pe spate, quilting formal.

well, I'm still working ...for Santa :)...this makes me a kind of Santa's helper, no ? :)'s a good inside-job, all day free coffee, humming and singing... what else can I want now when outside is grey, cold and raining ?
so far, so good...these are just some of them :
a pair of decorative napkins - as you can see a big candle is a must ;) -if you like red you can put a red one, too :)
Dimensions : 27cmx27cm ( 10.5" one side ) , white linen, formal quilting. 

si alti citiva saculeti cadou, in culori diferite . Panoul frontal este in tehnica textile-decoupage.
and some pretty little gift sacks, in different colours. The front panel is made in textile-decoupage technique.


Am in minte inca 1001 de idei....mai multe decit as putea face pina la acest Craciun, dar timpul este atit de limitat. Atit de limitat.... aceasta inseamna : bye-bye pina data viitoare cind va mai arat alte noutati.
I still have like 1001 of ideeas in my head...a lot of them, but the time is just SO limited.
this means ...good-bye, untill next time ;).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

more than spoiled...again ? :))

Da-da, sunt mai mult decit o rasfatata. ( numiti voi sentimentul) . De ce ? Pai, uite ce am primit , prin posta, ieri :
Yes-yes, I'm more than spoiled. ( you name the feeling ). Why ? look what I received, by mail yesterday : 

 si spatele gentii :
and the back of it : 

iar in interior erau ascunse aceste materiale frantuzesti :
and inside were hidden these french fabrics :

Multumesc, Geta! Inca o data...
Aceasta geanta, sau mai corect spus, PATTERN-UL pentru aceasta geanta il veti gasi foarte curind pe site-ul Getei ;).
Sau, daca deja urmariti blogul ei, atunci stiti cu siguranta ca aici este un tarim fermecat unde fiecare primeste o portie de magic. Hai, incearca, da click pe link! ;) Apoi intoarce-te aici si spune-mi - daca mai poti - ca afirmatia mea anterioara nu e adevarata :)
astept...inca astept....hmmm...nimeni nu se intoarce....stiam eu !
foarte bine, atunci! spor la cusut si voua ! ;).

Thank you, Geta. One more time....
This bag, or more accurately speaking , the PATTERN for this bag you'll find very soon on Geta's site ;).
Or if you're already a follower of her blog, you'll already know that HERE is a fairy land where everyone get something magic....try it, click on the link! ;) Then return to me and say - if you can -  that what I previously said is not true... :)
I'm waiting....still waiting....hmmm...nobody returns..... :)) 
ok , then! happy quilting to you , too ! ;)

Christmas is closer and closer

Da, Craciunul se apropie ...din ce in ce mai stiu asta pentru ca am inceput sa cos...cite ceva....
yep, Christmas is closer and closer....I know this just because I started to sew some...


si alte citeva :
and some more : 
si chiar altele ....
and more and more ;) ...

Imi place mult cum aceste simple "dresden-plates" se transforma intr-o decoratie atit de uimitoare. Hmmm....este mult de lucru pe toate colturile acelea dar intr-adevar merita. Da, asa ca vor mai urma si alte piese din acest model ( ma intreb cum ar arata in albastru si argintiu ?... ) 
Am experienta Sarbatorilor trecute cind agatasem citeva piese asemanatoare prin casa si toti musafirii s-au indragostit de ele...evident ca la plecare fiecare s-ales cu cite una cadou;). Deci anul acesta repet figura....punct expus-punct ochit-punct lovit! :) Imi place sa fac cadouri....imi place sa si primesc cadouri :))) 
I love how stunning decoration become those dresden's a lot of work on those points  but worth it, definitively. Yep! will follow more pieces of this model ( thinking how would look in blue and silver ?... )  
I've got last Christmas experience when I hang some pieces, like these green-red ones, around my house and all the guests fell inlove with them. Obviously that at leaving each of them get one as a present. So, this year I must repeat the it- want it - get it ! :)
I love to make gifts....and I love to receive gifts :)))

Sunt grabita, nu v-am spus ca se apropie Craciunul ?? :) Spor la munca tuturor !
I'm in hurry, didn't I tell you that Christmas is closer ?? :) Happy sewing everybody ! 

Saturday, November 14, 2009

back home...again.

Back at home...again.
Leaving behind this :

and this :

I wish to have a small cottage on the shore, looking at each day ends... bearfoot sand walking in the morning....winds through my hair at noon ....and peace in my soul when dark come by....



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