Thursday, September 17, 2009

new blog in town ;)

Ei bine, veste mare : s-a nascut un nou blog .

Well, today I found out a big news : a NEW blog was born.

Profesionist ! 9 talente s-au unit intr-un singur loc si au pus lumea pe foc : fiecare dintre  membre ofera un give-away ( cadou) cu conditia sa respectati cele 3 puncte cerute de ele . Merita sa le faceti o vizita ! si de ce nu ? sa va inscrieti la cadouri pina pe data de 30 septembrie. Hai, fuga ! :))

Very professionally! 9 talented wemen joined together in a blog and put the world on fire : each of them is having a give-away, untill 30 of September, with the condition to complete the 3 steps required .
It worth to make a visit first on the main blog then on each artist's blog... and why not ? to fill in for those magnificent give-aways. Comme-on, hurry ! :))

Si pentru ca tot ce am vazut azi pe blogurile mentionate mai sus, mi-a stirnit pofta de broderie, iata ce s-a "intimplat " in atelierul meu :

And because of all that I see in those before mentioned blogs awake in me the desire for some stitcheries, this is what "happened" in my studio today :

 ....trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt cam departe de maiestria celor vazute...dar practica nu strica niciodata, nu-i asa ?
...I must admit that I'm far away from what artistic stitcheries I saw today...but you know that practice doesn't hurt anyone, isn't ? LOL.

Si uite asa, cineva se va bucura miine de un cadou nou....ce frumos e sa faci cadouri !
And like this, someone will be very happy tomorrow with a new nice is to make gifts to people !


Sunday, September 13, 2009

holiday homework

Cu citva timp in urma , Elena a propus pe grup, ca "Tema de vacanta" finalizarea unui UFO patchwork. Recunosc ca am foarte putine UFO , dar mi-a ramas unul de dimensiune 50x50 de la proiectul initiat de Smaranda : Firul Ariadnei, proiect initiat pentru expozitia din Luberon din aceasta vara .
Acesta este Firul Ariadnei, 50cmx50cm : "Lupta dintre bine si rau "

Some time ago, Elena proposed on the group I belong, as a "Holiday Homework" to finish an UFO that we have. I must recognise that I don't have a lot of UFOs, but I find a piece of 50cm x 50 cm , that reamains from the project "Ariadna Thread" that Smaranda proposed for exposition in Luberon this summer. This is my Ariadna :- fused applique, punched funny threads, free-motion quilting. Fabrics : black sateen and handdyed fabrics.

Firul Ariadnei a fost prezent alaturi de Ocru ( 50cmx50cm ) :
"Ariadna Thread" was exposed beside Ocre - "Reflections"( 50cm x 50 cm ) : - paperpiece, hand-applique, free-motion quilting. Fabrics : - handdyed background, comercial patchwork fabrics.

Si acesta este UFO-ul ramas neatins din vara :
And this is the UFO that remains untouched from the beggining of summer :

care a trecut prin acesta stadiu ( precum se vede aveam mare nevoie de culoare in viata mea)
passed through this stade ( as you can see I was in great need for colour...)

si a ajuns asa :

and ended like this :

mic detaliu :- ochiul este un nasture vintage, fundalul este din materiale vopsite manual, capul papagalului este o bucatica de batik vopsit manual de Smaranda - intreaga lucrare a fost construita in jurul acestei piese, prin applique lipit si free-motion quilting. Stop. E destul ! sau : ce e prea mult e destul ? ha-ha...
small detail :- the eye is a vintage button, background are handdyed fabrics, parrot's head is a pice of Smaranda's batik handdyed, everything was built around this piece with fused aplique, free-motion quilting. Stop. What is enough is enough ! or what is too much is enough ??LOL.

Destul sau prea mult ? :)))
Enough or too much ? :)))

still autumn ...

Vremuri de economie...vremuri in care invatam sa ne gospodarim la maximum din ce avem , cu ce economisim, sa luam de nou ce e vechi si sa extragem din tot esenta.
Unii zimbesc si merg mai departe, altii se acresc...altii devin "green" :))) click pe imagine ca sa intelegeti ;)

Hard time...times when we learn to manage with what we had at make economies, to consider as new all that is old, to extract the essence of what life has better....
Some people smile and go on, other become bitter....or some become "green" :))) click on the image to understand. ;)

Plimbarile prin gradina ofera atit clipe de relaxare ( cita poate sa existe in tot acest zgomot continuu si praf interminabil ) cit si recolte ...mici, mari, dupa cum e ziua.... din aceasta ladita aproape plina cu piersici de gradina, albe-amarui dar foarte parfumate :

The wanderings on the garden offer both relaxing moments ( as much as it can exist here in this continuous noise and endless dust ) and crops...small or big depending the day.... from this box almost full of bitter-white garden peaches -but very perfumed : intentionat sa fac gem. Mi-am dat seama cu stupoare mai am borcane !! toate sunt pline cu ceva : gem de visine, compot de cirese, gem de gutui, magiun, etc... Deci am facut gem doar pentru borcanele vacante iar restul de piersici pregatite ( depielitate prin blanshare ) au luat directia congelatorului. La iarna cind afara zapada va fi pina la geam si fulgii vor cadea ca o perdea alba, in casa va mirosi a gem de piersici proaspat fiert ;). Si a mere coapte a cozonac cu ...iarasi visez !

....I intended to make jam. I realized - shocked - that I don't have any emtpy jars!! all are full with something : sour-cherry jam, cherry compote, quince membrillo, plum jam, etc. ...So I made jam only for the few vacancy jars and the rest of it goes straight in the freezer ( they are already peeled by blanching). In the winter, when the snow will be like window high and the snowflakes will fall down like a curtain, my home will smell of fresh boiled peaches jam ;). And of baked apples...and sweet nutt-roll bread...and....I'm dreaming again !
So here are the jam and the freezer portions

Apoi am pus un butoias micut cu varza la murat...salata de varza acra in miezul iernii e o minunatie...linga cartofi copti in jaratic pe care se topeste de placere cite o bucatica de unt adevarat...
Then I set a small recipient with cabbages...sour cabbage salad in winter is quite a pleasure...beside fire heat baked potatoes on which some real butter melts down of pleasure....

Si apoi am facut o reteta noua : salata de noodles cu legume si calamari grill-uiti. Mmmm.... trebuie neaparat repetata cit de curind. Spanac din gradina, fasole galbena, ceapa rosie,ciupercute si alte cele legume...ce bogatie !

And I made a new recipe : noodles salad with vegetable and grilled calamari. Mmmmm...must be repetead as soon as possible...spinach from the garden , yellow bean, red onion, mushrooms, plus others... what a bounty !

O alta zi de dimineata , incepind cu niste rosii.
Another day in the morning, starting with some tomatoes.

Stoarse... gramada din stinga merge in mini-ferma de rime ( ah sa nu uit , neaparat sa va povestesc mai multe despre ea in alt post) iar sucul din dreapta s-a transformat in :

Pressed, squeezed....the pile in the left goes in the mini-worm-farm ( to not forget : I must tell the interesting story of it in some other post ) and the juice from the right transformed in :

asta :
this :

Evident ca in fiecare zi e nevoie de ? ;) gratar de vitel cu unt alaturi de fasole cu usturoi si ciupercute cu patrunjel verde. Yummy... sau cum spune Melody : Yumamente! :)

Obviously, every day we need some food...don't we ? veal steak with butter, beside curly beans with garlic and mushrooms with parsley. Yummy.... or as Melody says : Yumamente ! :)

munca - mincare, e cazul si pentru niste distractie ??
work-food, work-food....when come the time for some fun ??

Friday, September 11, 2009

PPG = a pretty and practical gift

Foarte tirziu ma laud cu acest cadou neasteptat...din pacate m-am lasat purtata de val si am sarit de la o tema de casa la alta si uite ca am ajuns atit de tirziu sa va arat cadoul primit.
Kriszta si-a descoperit un nou hobby- pe linga crosetatul la inalt nivel pe care il face de ani de zile - si anume : cosuletele impletite din hirtie reciclata . Nota 10 pentru reciclare, Kriszta !!! Sunt super, foarte usoare si atit de practice!!
....stiam ca urmeaza sa primesc un colet de la ea ( niste reviste imprumutate ) dar cind am ridicat la oficiul postal cutia in mina, am stiut imediat ca nu pot fi revistele mele ascunse acolo ;). Nu am rezistat tentatiei si am desfacut pachetul in masina, inainte de a ajunge acasa....
Multumesc mult Kriszta!

Very-very late I show you this unexpected gift that I received....unfortunately the work in the house keep me so busy...that's why I'm late.
Kriszta discovered a new hobby for her - beside the high-level crocheting that she is doing for many years - : paper-recicled woven baskets. You deserve an A for recicling, Kriszta !!
Those baskets are very light and extremely practical !....well, I did know that I will receive a package from he - some borrowed magazines - but , at the postal office when I lifted that package I knew instantly that inside couldn't be those magazines ;). And I couldn't resist the tempation and I opened the box in the car before I get back home.... :)
Thank you, Kriszta !

In poza urmatoare se vede mai bine ce frumos colaj cu floarea soarelui a pus in interior ( precum vedeti linga cosulet, nu m-a uitat cu bucatele de materiale pentru charm quiltul meu :) Multumesc inca o data ).

And next is another picture just to show you the beautifull sunflower collage she put inside ( and as you can see beside the basket I received a lot of small squares for my charm quilt :). Thank you again . )

Kriszta, da-i bataie si fa cit mai multe, de toate formele de toate culorile...sunt minunate si , repet : atit de practice!!!

Kriszta, keep going and make a lot of them. And I mean a lot fo forms and of colours...they are lovely and I repeat : so useful !!!


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