Sunday, June 28, 2009

don't you really-really want to know ??

Nu-i asa ca v-ar place sa aflati cum se face si chiar sa faceti cu mina voastra asa ceva ?
Don't you like to finally know how is made and even to make with your very own hands something like this ? :)

Sau asa ceva ?
Or something like this ? :)

sau asa ceva ?? :))
or perhaps like this one ?? :))

Ei bine, acum solutia e la indemina voastra ! Geta Grama a lansat un e-pattern complet, minutios pregatit, plin de bonusuri si surprize neasteptate, e-pattern care va va lansa cu viteza in lumea minunata a shadow-trapunto .
Tot ce trebuie sa stiti , tot ce aveti nevoie, indicatii pas cu pas plus, asa cum am spus bonusuri si surprize gasiti AICI (

Well, now the solution is at your reaching hand! Geta Grama launched an extremely complexe and super-detailed e-pattern, full of bonuses and nice surprises, e-pattern that will send you fast straight in the wonderfull world of shadow-trapunto.
All you have to know, all you have to make, step by step indications and above all lots of bonuses and nice surprises inside , you can find HERE :

By the way, run to her blog to try the chance for winning a multi- give-away she's making !! all you need is a comment and a link ;).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

EXPOSITION "PORTES OUVERTES" sur La Route de Blé en Beauce

EXPOSITION "PORTES OUVERTES" sur La Route de Blé en Beauce

Eveniment organizat de L'Association "Beauce Arts – Textiles si gazduit in fiecare an de Smaranda.Bourgery.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

grill party for two ;)

Dupa citeva zile ploioase si reci
After several rainy and cold days

In care tot ce am reusit a fost sa pun citeva borcanele de compot de cirese
days in which I manage to make some stewed cherries

si totodata am reusit sa trec de 700 hexagoane cu ajutorul prietenelor care mi-au trimis patratzele ( multumesc Csilla - Smaranda - Elena )

and also I manage to pass over 700 hexagons with the help of some friends sending me more squares ( thanks, Csilla - Smaranda - Elena )

iata ca s-a facut si timp frumos...
well, here is some fine weather...

Si cind e vreme frumoasa, ce poate fi mai bun ca un grill-party in doi ? :))
and when outside is such a nice weather, what can be better than a grill-party for two ? :))

un aperitiv usor
an easy entry

carne dupa gustul fiecaruia ( miel si pui )
some good meat -according each personal taste( lamb and chicken )

si putin vin bun, tot dupa gustul fiecaruia ;)
and some good wine, also on each one taste ;)

Orele au trecut atit de repede si placut...baie de soare in liniste, cintec de pasari, adiere de vint, cer azuriu si mult-mult verde....
The hours passed so quickly and pleasantly.....sun bath taked in quiet surroundings, birds chirpings, easy pale winds, blue-blue sky and green, a lot of green...

In gradina primele rosii sunt inca verzi ciuda...ha-ha... Prea putine totusi...pentru anul viitor deja mi-am invatat lectia, stiu unde am gresit si stiu ce am de facut cu prioritate.
In the garden the first tomatoes are still green...envy green. LOL. Too few...for the next year I learn another important lesson, I know what I have to do in first place....

Evident ca si azi mi-am gasit pacea interioara cosind hexagon dupa hexagon...6-6-6-6-...ce numar interesant, asa-i ??

Obviously that even here and today I take my hexagons with me, fullfilling my inner peace sewing hex after hex...6-6-6-6-...interesting number, isnt' it ?

Si la finele zilei , putin galben...o floare ce nu mai are nevoie de prezentare :
and at the end of the day, a little yellow ....a flower that doesn't need any introduction :


Saturday, June 06, 2009

A new friend

Permiteti-mi sa va prezint o noua prietena : Annie.
Un suflet mare, generos si plin de caldura. O persoana pe care, cu siguranta, mi-ar place mult sa o intilnesc cindva, in viitor.

Let me introduce you a new friend : Annie.
She is a big heart, a generous and warm soul. One persone that I surely do want to meet her in person someday in the future.

Annie si Laetitia sunt noile stapine ale quiltului Trandafiri de Argint. Iar eu sunt incintata ca,- prin ei - am reusit sa o cunosc pe Annie.
Buna, Annie - Buna Laetitia ! ;)

Annie and Laetitia are now the new owners of my quilt Frozen Roses.
And I'm delighted that through them I met Annie.
Hello Annie , hello Laetitia! :).

Thursday, June 04, 2009

a future world already lost

Frumoasa si bestia :
The beauty and the beast :

Inainte de toate imagini cu trandafirii mei preferati...chiar daca nu sunt parfumati si nici de soi nobil, imi umplu inima de bucurie si i-as lua in brate de fiecare data cind trec pe linga ei ca pe o ploaie catifelata, roz...noroc ca au spini !

First of all some pictures with my beloved roses...even that they are not perfumed nor noble they fill my heart with joy and hapiness each time I pass near by...and each time I tend to embrace them as I could embrace a pink, soft, fresh rain...luckily they have thorns!

Apoi, azi am primit plicul cu ATC-ul de la Sylvie . Tineti minte ATC-ul meu trimis in schimb ??
De fapt am primit 2 ATC-uri !! asta inseamna ca trebuie sa ma pun pe treaba pentru a echivala schimbul...pai, cum altfel ??

Today I received the swap ATC from Sylvie. Do you remember the one that I send her ?
Actually I received 2 ATCs!! this means I have to put myself at work to compensate this swap. Well, no ?

Aici sunt : Essui-tout No. 2 si No. 14/24. Primul m-a pus pe pe fapte....

Here they are : "Essui-tout No.2" and "No.12/24". The first one was so intriguing that set me on work....

Si asa cum v-am spus, primul m-a pus pe fapte...
Titlul : "O lume viitoare deja pierduta "
Tehnica : mixed-media. Pe o baza de catifea alba am aplicat un strat de material poliacrilat apoi unul de...celofan!!! Am quiltuit in metoda bobin-work ( sau cu susu-n jos) cu ata de matase si pe urma cu ata metalica . Apoi am zapp-uit putin cu pistolul de aer cald ca sa se topeasca celofanul si sa apara bule si gauri urma am pus letconul la treaba : am topit pe ici pe colo, am tras linii si puncte.
Putina vopsea acrilica metalizata turquoise, citeva fire de metal spiralate pe o andrea, o bucatica de lemn, o mina si un soare taiat cu perforatorul si "kitsch"-uit cu putin lipici cu sclipici...marginile le-am ars cu luminarea.
Povestea din spate : intr-o lume de plastic, in care mina omului nu lasa in urma decit deseuri si distrugere chiar si soarele ne incalzeste artificial.... o lume viitoare deja pierduta...ce ne asteapta in zare, oare ??

And as I told you, the first ATC from Sylvie put me on some work :
Title : A future world already lost.
Technique : mixed-media. On a white velvet base I put a layer of acrilic fabric and then I layered some ... cellophane!!! I quilted -bobin-work - with some silk thread then some metallic ones. I zapped it with the heat-gun so that the cello melted and let instead a surface of holes and bumps ...then I put my hot-iron at work : melting here and there, set some lines, make some holes. A little turquise acrilic paint, some coloured wires coiled quickly on a knitting needle, a piece of real wood from my garden, a paper hand and sun punched and "kitsch"-ed with some golden glitter glue. The margins were candle-burned.
The story behind : a plastic world where man leave behind only destruction and pollution drops even the sun warms us in a artificially way...a future world already lost ...what expects us ahead ??


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