Saturday, March 22, 2008

small shadow trapunto

Am facut alaltaieri un mic cadou-surpriza... chiar si pentru mine a fost surpriza cit de mult mi-a placut sa lucrez in aceasta tehnica : shadow trapunto. Evident ca am fost "inoculata" de catre Geta cu minunatiile ei ;))
Fundalul este o bucata de batik, vopsit manual, primita de la Daniela iar stratul superior - organza - de la Ela Ghioc in schimbul din noiembrie
Este chiar micutz : 22cm x 22 cm .
Aici l-am pozat umed, imediat ce a disparut ata hidrosolubila ( Wash-away)

Before yesterday I made a small surprise-gift...even for me was a surprise how much I liked to work in this technique : shadow-trapunto. Obviously I was " innoculated" by Geta with all her wonderfull works.
The background is a piece of hand-made batik that I received from Daniela and the surface is organza received from Ela Ghioc during November Surprise swap.
It is quite small : 22cm x 22 cm ( square of 8.66 inch).
Here is it yet wet, after washing out the vanishing thread :

si spatele :

and the back , also wet :)

iar aici in dimineata plecarii cu agatatoare cu tot :

here in the morning , before leaving, with the hanging already done

si dedicatia personala de pe spate :

and the personal lines + signature on the back

I already find out that Mrs. Prka liked it. ;))

Friday, March 07, 2008

Crini - lilies

Ultima mea lucrare, incheiata azi , un buchet de crini...
My last work finished today : a bouquet of lilies.

Spatele :
The back of it :

Dimensiuni : 72 cm x 75 cm.
Dimensions : aprox 28 " x 29.5 "
Urmeaza o primavara minunata plina de flori...
Follows a wonderfull spring full of flowers ;))...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

martisor din Belgia

Azi am primit acest martisor " surpriza" tocmai din Belgia de la Marinette. Anul trecut ea a fost partenera mea de schimb pentru martisoare si uite, surpriza , nu m-a uitat.
Voi cauta o modalitate de a ma revansa...trebuie sa recunosc ca anul acesta, luata cu alte treburi, nu am trimis martisoare nimanui :((
Merci , Marinette !

Today I receive this very surprisingly "martzichor" from Marinette in Belge. Last year she was my martzichor swap partner and look now : she didn't forgot me :))
I will look forward to answer back at such a great gesture...I must recognize that this year, with some other a lot of problems on my head, I didn't send any martzichor to anybody :((
Thank you , Marinette !

Saturday, March 01, 2008

the other silk rose

Am terminat si cel de-al doilea trandafir de matase...putin trapunto si thread painting
I finished the second silk rose ..some trapunto and thread painting

spatele :
the back of it :

Arata bine impreuna, nu-i asa ?
They look good together, isn't ?


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