Yesterday I take advantage of my husband's trip to Bucharest to acomplish one of my big whishes : meeting the one who guides my steps in patchwork from my begginings ( about two years) : Geta Grama.

Ajunsa in Risnov in prag de noapte, cea mai mare supriza a mea a fost sa descopar ca de fapt Geta are ochii...verzi ;)). Zimbitori de verzi, asa incit fara sa iti dai seama zimbesti la rindul tau , plina de veselie...
A doua zi , de dimineata, Geta m-a rasfatat cu un mic-dejun dulce : mi-a gatit cu mina ei papanasi fierbinti cu smintina si dulceata de visine..
Apoi, am intrat in lumea magnifica a quilturilor ei. Pentru cine nu stie ce inseamna asta, va spun eu : e ca o vraja!!...atit de adinca incit uitat sa fac poze.:)) Totusi..doar citeva :
Prima poza facuta Getei, pe furis, cind inca nu era "pregatita" ;))
Arrived in Risnov by night, my biggest surprise was to discover that actually Geta has green eyes ;)) "Smiling" green, that for any reason you find yourself smiling too, happilly...
Next day in the morning, Geta cooked for me with her own hand, hot cheese-rolls with cream and sour-cherry jam.
Then I entered in her magnificent world of quilts. For the ones that didn't know what does this means, I can tell you that is like a spellbound!! deep...that I forgot to make enough photos :))
Anyway here are a few of them :
the first picture of Geta when she wasn't quite "ready" for it ;))
Apoi Geta a inceput sa imi arate pe rind quilturile nu ma intrebati cite am vazut...habar nu am, ZECI de quilturi pierdut sirul lor...a fost o adevarata desfatare sa le intorc, rind pe rind pe toate fetzele, sa le pipai si sa simt sub degete cum cu fiecare impunsatura de ac a sadit in ele dragoste si perfectiune.
Aici inca eram la inceput de drum...
After, Geta started to show me, one by one all her quilts...don't ask me how many did I see...I really don't know, I lost the counting...was a real delight to turn them on the sides, one by one, to feel all the love and perfection that were put into by every stitch of the needle.
Here we are just at the beggining :

Apoi, evident ca lucrarile au trebuit asezate grija, cu drag cu pricepere. Minunatii pline de culoare si de forme nebanuite...O comoara!
Then, obviously, all the pieces must be put from where they come down...with care, love and ability. Wonderfull pieces full of colours and unexpected shapes...A treasure!
Imi pare nespus de rau ca nu am fost constiincioasa si nu am pozat cit mai multe, macar cele care mi-au ramas mie ca o pata calda de culoare in suflet...
I'm extremely sorry that I wasn't quite on the line to take pictures of the most of them, at least of those that leave a spot of warm colour in my soul.
Apoi am trecut , evident, la masinile noastre de cusut. Am facut schimb de pareri tehnice intre ele...trebuie sa recunosc ca mare mi-a fost mirarea cind am auzit cit de silentioasa este masina ei o pisica care toarce...incredibil...Evident ca imi voi lua si eu una ;))
Si ca sa ma intelegeti ca nu degeaba o laud pe Geta, uitati-va cum se lumineaza la fatza cind coase :
After that, obviously, we passed to our sewing machines. We change technical opinions on every machine...I must recognize that I was really impressed on how silent is her big, industrial a sleeping cat...incredible! It's loud and clear that I'll get one soon ;))
And for you to understand why I speak so much about Geta, look how enlighted she become when she is sewing :
Timpul a fost prea, mult prea scurt pentru tot ce as fi vrut sa imi spuna, explice, povesteasca...evident ca marea dorinta de a-mi arata metoda ei magica de a pune bindingul a ramas undeva printre norii pufosi de pe cer si nu a coborit decit inainte de plecare, sfioasa : -"ai uitat sa imi arati cum pui bindingul..." Am ris amindoua, am avea nevoie de mult mai mult decit 8 ore in care sa ne cunoastem, sa ne apropiem , sa ne intelegem totusi : o cunosc "virtual" de 2 ani de zile.
O amintire draga :
The time was short, too short for all that I would like to be told, explained, telled...and my big desire to find out about her magic binding method remain somewhere between the white,fluffy clouds on the sky and didn't descend, shyly, untill leaving : - " you forgot to show me how you put on the binding"... We both laughed, we would need much more than 8 hours to know, become closer, understanding each other...thinking that I know her virtually for 2 years.
A dear memory :
Un strop de verde intr-o zi insorita si un buchetel de ghiocei...din suflet!
A spot of green in a sunny day and a small bouquet of snow drops...from all my heart!