Si pentru ca surpriza s-a consumat in totalitate, acum va pot arata quiltul lucrat in septembrie, cadou pentru cei 20 ani ai fetei noastre cea mica :))
Macii Albertei
Fata :
And because the surprise is already consumated, now I can show you the quilt I worked in september as a present for the 20 th anniversary of our "little girl": ))
Alberta's Popies
The top :
Spatele si un detaliu :
The back of it and a detail :
Intre timp mi-am facut o multime de prietene noi pe forumul Lucru de mina care mi-au reaprins pasiunea de a croseta. Iata rezultatul cind in jurul tau ai atitea prietene :
Meanwhile I made myself a lot of new friends on the Lucru de mina forum, friends that fired again in me the passion for crochet. Here is the result when someone is surrounded with friends :
So...quite a busy month...