Sunday, September 25, 2011

embroidery and nuts. Wallnuts .

Recent m-am alaturat acestui proiect de lunga durata cu intentia de a broda ,pentru Craciun, asa ceva :
I recently joined SewHappy Christmas Sewalong  for embroidering this : 

Sunt convinsa ca va arata minunat pe semineul meu . Si apoi nu e niciodata prea repede sa te pregatesti de Craciun, nu-i asa ? :D
I'm absolutely sure that it will look marvelous over my fireplace, too. And I think it's never too early to prepare for Christmas, isnt' it ? :D

Ei bine, ieri am primit primul block, asa ca mi-am pregatit toate cele necesare
Well, yesterday I received the first block instructions so I gathered all I need to start
apoi am transferat modelul pe o bucata de pinza alba 
then I transferred the model on a piece of white muslin 

apoi am asezat pinza pe o bucata de vatelina identica ca dimensiuni cu pinza alba 
then I make the sandwich with wadding

si am inceput sa cos cu mare placere.... 
Mi-am amintit de un Craciun trecut cind dragii mei au primit astea : 
and started to embroider so happilly...
remembering a past Christmas when my dears received these : 

Astazi dimineata primul meu bloc arata asa ( inca neterminat ) fi o frumusete . Deja sunt nerabdatoare pentru vinerea viitoare cind blocul nr. 2 va fi afisat. 
Puteti sa va alaturati si voi acestui proiect, este GRATIS. Aici : 
this morning my first block look like this ( still unfinished ) will be a beauty. I'm already anxious for the next Friday to come when the block nr. 2 will be released. 
You can join in , too , it's FREE . Here : 

Si acum despre toamna si despre recoltele ei bogate....aici aveti doar o mica parte din bunatatile din aceasta toamna....asa ca sa le cuprind pe toate
And now something about autumn and her rich you can see only a small part of them, just to show a part of each

unele nuci trebuie decojite 
some nuts have to be peeled
 adica cu un cutit se face o crestatura in coaja verde si cu o miscare scurta laterala se afla daca e coapta sau nu 
which means that with a small knife you make a slit on the green cover and with a short lateral move you can tell if it's ripe or not
aceasta este coapta , se desface usor si iese o nuca curata, alba...
this is ripe and you get a white, clean nut...
altele sunt deja crapate la momentul culesului , se desfac usor si ies nuci care trebuie spalate
others are already cracked at picking time and you get out some nuts that need some washing
si altele care nu vor nicicum sa se desfaca....
and some that are not ready yet for peeling 

dar acestea au un miez care este ATIT de bun de mincat crud, depielitat....miez de nuci verzi ;), asa : 
but these have such a good core for eating walnuts. Like so : 

Este deja toamna....sunt atit de bucuroasa, pentru ca IUBESC toamna. Voi ?
It's already autumn....I'm so happy for it, because I LOVE autumn. Do you ? 



  1. Daaa, va arata minunat ca tot ceea ce iese din mainile tale! :)

  2. In other're nuts about embroidery! :D Foarte faine, de mult imi doresc sa incerc si eu redwork. Spor la lucru! Dar cu tatting-ul cum stai? :D

  3. Imi plac mult acest broderii, sa stii ma mi-ai facut chef de brodat :).Spor la brodat!
    Si eu am cules ieri roade (rosi, ardei, piersici) si mai am de cules mirodenii. Noi anul acesta vom avea mar foarte putin., frigul de inceput de mai a distrus marea parte, flori erau dar fructe nu avem, chiar atunci se formau cand venea frigul.

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Your santa is beautifully stitched. I joined too but haven't started my stitching just yet.

  5. Beautiful and abundant fruit... you are blessed! Your Christmas embroidery is very festive, I can see that you are using the simple running stitch, so it must go fairly quickly. You are correct, never too early to prepare for Christmas. I have almost all of my shopping done, so when December arrives, I can decorate and enjoy the season. Yes, I like fall... it is just beginning here in my part of the world. Leaves are falling and we are having fall rains.



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